The primary purpose of sleeping bag is to provide you protection while you stay outdoors in the lap of nature. These bags are ideal for your trekking and camping purposes. A sleeping bag is big money investment, and you need to take proper care of your sleeping bag to last you lifetime. Here are some guidelines to help you in this endeavour.
The basic rule of a sleeping bag is to place your bag in well-ventilated areas such as cupboard or cabinet. The place should be completely dry and not get direct rays of the sun.
Another significant feature to make your sleeping bag, last long time is never rolling it up. Just fold your sleeping bags and rearrange the folds every fortnight to make sure it does not stay in compressed state for long time. This will save your sleeping bags from the formation of clusters and cold spots.
Cleaning a sleeping bag is an important aspect to maintain its health and longevity. You can use home remedies or go for professional cleaning of your sleeping bag.
For cleaning sleeping bags at home, you need some soapy solution and damp cloth. It is easier to remove dry stains and spots from your sleeping bag if it is removed as early as possible from the time of its occurrence.
For hand cleaning of sleeping bags, read the manufacturers instruction manual and then do the needful. You can also soak the sleeping bag in soapy solution and then rinse off the bag using water. Make sure not to wring the sleeping bag. Then you can pat dry the sleeping bag and put them up in hanger tied from clothesline in a shaded area to make them completely parched and dried out.
Lastly another simple step to clean your sleeping bags is to put them in washing machine. You just need to add detergent and water in your machine and get a cleaned up sleeping bag. And in case you are running out of time, invest for a professional sleeping bag cleaner to clean your sleeping bag.
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