Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Salma Hayek
Monday, August 30, 2010
Britney Spears
Sunday, August 29, 2010
New thematic Charm Bracelets

Choosing charms for a charm bracelet can be quite fun, especially if the recipient has interests or hobbies that can be reflected in the charm choices. With all of the different materials from which to choose, you can help your loved one put together a unique and beautiful bracelet that will mean something only to her.
Themed charm bracelets are quite popular, because it is easy to pick out a range of charms that fit together to tell one particular story. Music lovers may have a charm bracelet full of music themed charms, such as music notes, a piano, a treble clef, or a charm that represents a favorite song. Readers and writers may enjoy seeking out literary charms, such as a character from a novel, a tiny book, or an enameled pen.
Sports lovers will find all sorts of charms to add to their bracelets. With all of the different sports to choose from, you can find jersey numbers, a football, pompoms, a baseball or softball bat, mascots, and megaphones. Mixing and matching for various sports can add even more color and interest to your bracelet.
Many people like to collect charms while on journeys. Travel themed charm bracelets can be the perfect way to remember all of the many trips that you have taken. A palm tree might remind you of your paradise vacation, while a kangaroo could bring back memories of your trip Down Under. By taking special care to choose the trinkets that will call to mind the best of your vacation memories, your charm bracelet could be better than any scrapbook.
Of course, many women cherish nothing above their families. Your charm bracelet could be the very best way to show off your children and grandchildren with pride. Birthstones for new babies are a popular choice, while charms that detail your children's interests are perfect additions as they get older.
Whatever your theme of choice, you will be able to find any charm that you desire. Charms are created from various different materials, so you can often find trinkets that fit right in your budget. With big name jewelers getting in on the charm bracelet fun, you can also find whimsical and meaningful charms that are crafted from precious metals and valuable gemstones. The price of the bracelet isn't important at all, as you will soon discover. The memories that the charm bracelet provides, however, are priceless.
To learn more visit: http://www.articlesbase.com
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Chow Yun Fat
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sam Waterston
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tina Fey
32 tatuagens orientais de Marcio Tattoo
Dilemma Design : Bringing Home Some Vacation Style

Indulge in textiles. Nearly every exotic locale has its own traditional textiles which can include rugs, wall hangings and fabrics for clothing, curtains and interiors. An easy way to bring your vacation experience home is to pick up a particularly striking textile piece and bring it home with you. Use it as a wall hanging, a bedspread, a drape, or to recover a piece of furniture or a cushion.